Thames Valley Fly Dressers
Just a quick note to update you on some exciting developments of the awards scheme and the fishing competition and to ask you to bring these to the attention of your branch membership.
The Bronze award booklet has now been uploaded to the website and is available for your members to view. It can be accessed from the front page of the members area and is currently the first item. This programme would not have happened without the efforts of a great number of people but the executive committee is very grateful to Peter Watson of Thames Valley branch who started this initiative. We hope you and you members will find this booklet useful and all new tyers starting out on bronze should now use this syllabus. Members who have started with the other syllabus (TVFDG) may of course complete it and get the award.
We have agreed a sponsor ship deal with FlyTying Boutique under which they will provide a fly tying prize to the winner of each of the 7 categories of fish caught in our fishing competition. In addition a guild certificate will be awarded. The rules can be found on the website but this is a competition to catch a fish on your own tied fly. Please encourage your members to enter the details of the fish they catch and to have a look at the competition rules on the website.
Thanks for your help in publicising these changes to your branches
Tight threads
Richard Ellis
FDG Awards Manager